居住在大连的一个对摄影十分热爱的摄影师,全球纪实婚礼摄影师协会WPJA、Fearless Award、亚洲婚礼摄影师协会ASIA WPA,Wppc中国婚礼摄影大赛、China Master Award婚礼大师奖,获奖摄影师。追求拍摄有温度的照片,记录平凡生活中的美好。每一张照片,都是时光的标本;每一次快门,都是一瞬间的精彩。为你停住时光的脚步,为你扑捉霎那间的极致。一路上有我,伴随着你人生旅途,记录美好的点滴。Email:20068850@qq.com
I am a photographer from Dalian, China, mainly engaged in wedding photography, travel wedding photography, travel photo shooting, has been in China's Tibet, Qinghai Lake,Xinjiang and other areas of travel photography activities, the pursuit of travel on the way to shoot aesthetic documentary works, if there is a need to contact me.